A more verbose version of this config actually used for internal testing can be found at config.toml.example in the root of the repo.
More detailed information about configuring LOD and hardening it for production use can be found in the Reference Guide.
port = 1337 # port to bind to
admin_token = "supersecret" # admin endpoint bearer token
# base proxy configuration
# name of this proxy, available at http://lod/{name}/{z}/{x}/{y}.{file_extension}
name = "osm"
# url of the upstream tileserver with template parameters
# for the X, Y, and Z values. These are required.
tile_url = "https://tile.example.com/osm/{z}/{x}/{y}.pbf"
# comma-separated list of allowed CORS origins
cors_origins = "https://example.com"
# auth token (?token=XXX) to require for requests to upstream tileserver
access_token = "MyTilesArePrivate"
# headers to pull and cache from the tileserver response
pull_headers = ["X-We-Want-This", "X-This-One-Too"]
# headers to delete from the tileserver response
del_headers = [ "X-Get-Rid-Of-Me" ]
# proxy cache configuration
# enable in-memory cache
mem_enabled = true
# maximum capacity in MB of the in-memory cache
mem_cap = 100
# Cache TTLs are set using Go's built-in time.ParseDuration
# Valid time units are "ns", "us" (or "ยตs"), "ms", "s", "m", "h".
# For example: 1h, 5m, 300s, 1000ms, 2h35m, etc.
# in-memory cache TTL
mem_ttl = "1h"
# enable redis cache
redis_enabled = true
# redis tile cache TTL, or "0" for no expiry
redis_ttl = "24h"
# redis connection URL
redis_url = "redis://localhost:6379/0"
# cache key template string, supports parameter names
key_template = "{z}/{x}/{y}"
# headers to inject into upstream tileserver requests
# name of header to add
name = "Referer"
# value of header to add
value = "https://yoursite.com/"
# Supports many configured proxy instances for caching multiple tileservers
name = "another"
# etc.